There are a few things that are in style that frankly look horrid on my body type. So, for those who seem to always want to keep up with the latest fashion, it's okay as long as your body type suits it. For me, horizontal stripes make me look HUGE! And what is up with this new elastic waist thing?? When I put on a dress that has an elastic waist, forget about it, I look preggers! And last but not least, light wash jeans are coming in this spring and um... those make my legs look twice the size that they normally are! Who are these people designing for? Oh yeah, the smaller of our population, the women who are size 00! So, since the fashion industry doesn't seem to be changing, I just stick to trends that suit my body better such as dark wash denim, no elastic- preferably a fit and flare, and NO horizontal stripes! 


Recently fashion has been the center of my inspiration, so I have picked up a couple of magazines and highlighted the few things that struck my fancy. In Elle the January NO. 317 issue I noticed a pink leather jacket, this is TO cute! It is edgy and girly and so fierce! Not only would this complete a jeans and white t-shirt outfit, but it would look perfect with a black dress or even a flow-y floral dress. Next I saw a model wearing a pair of white cat-eye sunglasses, hot pink clutch, silver crop top, yellow high waisted tailored shorts, and blue pumps. This outfit was needless to say, all over the place! I did not like the silver top or the yellow shorts only because let's be realistic, unless you're strutting down the runway who would wear that? Anyway, I did LOVE the sunglasses, pink clutch, and the blue pumps are to die for! Jennifer Anniston was featured on a page in this issue in which she wore a tangerine dress. This dress, although very cute and flattering on her, would probably look atrocious on me. So, I focused more on her jewelry. In this photo she wore a simple gold chain necklace and 4 different chain bracelets, which are more favorite! I have been searching everywhere to find these types of chain bracelets, but I can only find that Juicy Couture, Marc Jacobs, Michael Kors, and Steve Madden making them. Normally I would love to buy from these designers but Juicy's bracelets are $75, Marc Jacobs are $88, Michael Kors are $125, and Steve Madden's are $50, and they are ALL made in cheap metals! It's crazy that they would charge that much money for costume jewelry, like come on! So if anyone knows where I can find those kinds of bracelets for less than $50 leave a comment below before I lose my mind and buy the Michael Kors one!

Dear Followers,
I am so sorry for not updating my blog posts, school finals and holidays just ate away at my free time. BUT hopefully this semester will be less hectic and I will be able to document my inspiration!

Dear Society

Dear Society,
All I have to ask is why? Why do you constantly remind us that our bodies aren't small enough, our lips aren't big enough, and our hair isn't blonde enough? What makes you believe you have the right to be the reason of thousands of teenage suicides? What makes you have the nerve to advertise that "starving" yourself is the new beauty? Well, I'm sick of it, I'm sick of worrying how much weight I've gained, I'm sick of wondering if I could ever make it in the fashion industry. I know I am beautiful and at least I can go to bed feeling healthy and nourished. At least I have confidence without being reassured with a size 0 attached to my jeans. Whatever happened to a woman being sexy and confident by just being herself? Today, I feel that we are constantly shown what we should look like: 5'9" size 0 and no curves, no color in the face, no natural beauty, no natural confidence. I may not be head of Vogue or a complete fashion guru, but I feel that I speak for many women in this world when I say, we are sick of seeing tiny anorexic girls "strut" up and down the runway. Yeah, that may be what you all want, but is it healthy? Is it really what the world wants to see? Whatever happened to the way it used to be, curves are sexy, confidence is beautiful, happiness is the key to success. Marilyn Monroe was not a size 0, Tyra Banks was not a size 0, Kim Kardashian is not a size 0, and I am not a size 0. To me, I have realized that being that small is unhealthy. I am pretty sure I was a size 0 in the 5th grade. All I know is that I am healthy, I am beautiful, I am confident, and I am not struggling with an eating disorder, because frankly who cares if I am not the size of a toothpick?? I love the way I am, and everyone else should to! It doesn't matter what size your pants are, it doesn't matter what the scale is, if you got it girl, flaunt it! Because we are women and we are strong. We are all beautiful in every size and shape. So, I say forget about what the fashion industry says! And as Marilyn Monroe says "To all you girls that think you're fat because you're not a size 0, you're the beautiful one, it's society who's ugly!"

true inspiration.

"Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation."
-Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson has been one of my idols for as long as I can remeber. It is so unfortunate to know that so many people still believe him to be "a molester" or "a horrible role model". What many people don't know about Michael is that the police came out after his death to say that they never had any evidence against him in any of his trials. What a horrible thing that they put this poor man through, all for what? Publicity and money. Jackson has always had the best message in his songs, love, faith, togetherness, helping others and so much more. Some things that people didn't know about Michael was that he was so passionate and caring about all of his fans and what others thought of him. He constantly was trying to please others. But, with this trait, he was taken advantage of by people in his life. Michael was an inspiration to me, he tried to portray the hardship and hurt that animals and people were enduring that many did not pay attention to. He was a true activist towards vegetarianism, anti-war, and pro-love. He believed that what our world was missing was love, love that would tend to all the hurt and pain that many animals and people needed to survive. He will always be my hero and my inspiration. RIP Michael Jackson.


Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.
--Albert Einstein

Animals are the most beautiful creatures on this planet. I find it so hard to comprehend why anybody would ever want to hurt these poor innocent creatures. We are not the dominant animal. We do not need meat or fish in our diet to survive. As an advanced species you'd think that we would have all realized this and cease slaughter houses all together. The most important and smartest people in history believed in this way of life, such as Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin, not to mention Gandhi, Buddha, and even Aristotle. It's time for our society to realize that we cannot continue to rule this Earth by killing nature. We are here to live one with nature, and we are destroying it. Look at these faces, these faces are hunted for sport, slaughtered alive, and taken full advantage of, just for out leisure. I hate this part of the human species. I am vegetarian and I will continue to voice for these poor, innocent, beautiful creatures as long as I live.


“I don't do fashion, I am fashion.”
Coco Chanel
Olivia Polermo is not your average reality TV star, she was featured in "The City" which is a TV show about how Whitney Port moves to New York, NY to work for ELLE Magazine. Olivia is given a negative personality, which I believe is so un-realistc, it seems as if she is merely trying to help Whitney. Besides the point, I absolutely LOVE Olivia's look, it is simple, chic, and classic. Her facial features are more like a runway model's than an average girl next door, which to me is something beautiful. She is definitely one of the girls whose closet I would love to have!! Olivia Polermo is my inspiration for fashion and class.